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Nordmac Money Back Guarantee

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  • Nordmac Money Back Guarantee

Purchases are covered by the Nordmac Money Back Guarantee when least one of the following is true:

  • An item is not received.
  • An item is not as described in the listing
  • An wrong item is received
  • An item does not fit on the machine
  • An damaged item is received
  • An incomplete item is received
  • An item doesn’t match enough quality

Nordmac Money Back Guarantee Timelines

A customer can report that they did not receive an item once the latest estimated delivery date of the item has passed for 30 days after the latest delivery date.

If the customer does not report the matter within 30 days, the request closes automatically.

When a customer received an item which does not match description listing or damaged or incomplete or does not fit with related machine, the customer has 6 business days after receiving the item to report matter.

In case of returning products, reimbursement takes 2 months because of returning custom process.

In this cases;

Nordmac offers two solution to the customers:

  • Repalcement
  • Reimbursement

Also Nordmac and the customer can find a mutual solution.

This warranty does not cover customer instruction or installation; defective items through wrong installation or wrong usage.

During the replacement or the reimbursement process, returning charges of the item are paid by the customer. When Nordmac confirmed that the problem based on own mistake, freight costs are reimbursed to the customer by Nordmac.